About Care Choice

About Care Choice

Founded by Maria and Steve Miskovic, Care Choice became the culmination of customer service improvements in the healthcare industry. The Care Choice team has over a combined 350 years of experience working with seniors, the disabled, mentally ill and other adult populations. As the needs of these populations continue to grow, Care Choice is here to assist.

Care Choice is bound by the social work code of ethics, the standards of licensure in the State of Missouri and by their own high standards of excellence.


Maria Miskovic

Maria is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and certified advanced case manager who has worked in virtually all care settings for over 25 years. She worked in hospital management and case management roles for medical and behavioral hospitals for much of her career. With early roots in home care and long term care, her hospital experience then rounded out when she worked for a respected elder law attorney. As a life care planner and social worker, the need for care management of elders, disabled and mental health populations became apparent. Maria honed in on skills such as care coordination, long term care planning, and multiple levels of client advocacy for guardianships, placements, and in home support.

Maria received her Master’s degree at The Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. She specialized in Gerontology and Management, earning additional graduate certificates from University of Missouri St. Louis and Washington University during her studies. As an Advanced Certified Aging Life Care Manager, she sits at the top of the tiers of care management practice levels. She actively serves as board president for Guardian Assist and has previously served in board positions for the Midwest Chapter of the Aging Life Care Association. She is a proud and active member of the National Association of Social Workers and Social Work Leaders in Healthcare, while serving as a resource to many health care professionals in the Greater St. Louis area and surrounding communities.

Maria is the founder and Principal Care Manager of Care Choice Care Management, LLC. Maria mentors and oversees a team of professionals who assess, educate, facilitate, and manage services for families with elderly or disabled loved ones. Maria has a passion for assisting clients, so that they maintain a high quality of life, while remaining as self-sufficient and independent as possible. Her background in psychiatric care management and problem solving around decision-making barriers, serve as one area of unique specialty that Care Choice provides. She often partners with legal and financial professionals to identify solutions that empower her clients and offer a “big picture” to long range planning needs. With multiple care managers sharing a variety of skill sets, and an ability to help people of all needs navigate the healthcare system, Care Choice is one of the leading practices of its kind in the Midwest.

In her spare time, Maria is a wife and mother of two children. She loves to cook, hike, garden and spend time with her family.

“Our passion for older adults, those with mental illness, special needs, and disability drive us to give the best service possible.”

Maria Miskovic

Steve Miskovic

Steve is a licensed clinical social worker with 25 years’ experience. His focus on older adults, family caregiving, dementia, and mental health services allow Steve to draw upon a variety of experience while customizing plans for clients and their families.

Steve began his career with the Missouri Division of Aging, has led a social work department for a community health program serving the frail elderly and worked for many years in the area of dementia care with local and national non-profits.  Steve has mentored many social worker students entering the field and served as an adjunct faculty member at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis from 2004-2015

Steve received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from St. Louis University’s School of Social Work. He serves as President of the Housing Options Provided for the Elderly Board and holds the same position for the Gateway Chapter of the American Case Management Association.  

Steve is passionate about providing quality services that help people make informed decisions about their care and the care of loved ones.

Steve enjoys spending time with his wife Maria and their two children.  He is an avid Cardinals fan and enjoys going to the family cabin. 

“We felt it was time to take the next step and with the encouragement and support of those we trust in the health care industry, we began Care Choice Care Management.”

Steve Miskovic

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